This book is poems ‘Calms & Balms written by debut author Rupali Gore is true to its title. You will feel the calming effect once you turn through the pages. You will find many real-life observations of the poet, her deep contemplations, and her questioning to many things that are sometimes out of control for us as humans (particularly women).
There are varied styles and forms of poetry that the poet has explored through this book, there are haiku, haibun, free style verses, and even gazals in poems. We even travel through different segments like there is poetry on nature, on city landscapes and poet’s observations of that world, there are fantasy and spiritual poems but my favourite part from the book which I feel will resonate with every woman out there is the ‘Mental Health and Rants’ segment.
In Rupali’s words,
Why is a homemaker unheard by her husband?
Is she valued less because she earns zero money?
Why is a mother’s advice overlooked by her children?
Is she written off as a phobic woman full of insecurities?
“They never listen,” say a tired crow, an exhausted homemaker, a worried mother…
This was a heart-touching poem, and so are all the poems in this segment. For me, it kind of spoke about how the lineage and atoms are just the same even after so many years, carried forward from one woman to another, their situation never changes.
The book contains a plethora of emotions, reflections, thoughts, and questions by the poet that will make you feel you are reading the most candid and simple written poems that are true to their meaning. The narration is easy for everyone to understand; therefore, I would recommend this book to everyone who loves simple poetry. For me, this book was a happy treat into the world of poetry.
Review by Monalisa Joshi (Founder & Director- Chrysanthemum Chronicles)
Rupali D Gore is a multilingual writer and poet. She writes in English, Hindi and Marathi. Poetry is the calm and balm of her life. Sketching, mobile photography, cooking, reading, watching movies, singing, walking and playing badminton are her other areas of interest and passion. Rupali’s debut poetry collection, “Calms And Balms” released worldwide on Amazon,Kindle unlimited and Evincepub, in the month of May, 2024. Her book is available as a paperback and ebook. Her work has been published in international anthologies like three RDW anthologies, First line poets anthology, Psithurism -2 and Mimansa -2 (Hindi) of Realm of poems facebook poetry group, “Timeless” anthology of Women poets Facebook poetry group, the Ink Gladiators Press anthology of “The 2021 Form runners and inventors collection”.